Saturday, September 27, 2008

How bout' them Apples!

Uncle Chris invited us to the apple orchard this morning.  What a GREAT time!  We went toEplegaarden, right outside of Fitchburg, and the girls had a blast picking apples for a few hours.  The prices were awesome, only $19 for a HUGE bag of Self-pick apples and we ended up getting enough apples to last us a LONG time.  Lydia spent most of the time in the wagon eating the apples and unfortunately she got stung by a bee when she tried to take it off her apple but overall it was an excellent time!  We are definitely planning on going back again once these apples are gone.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tie-dye Mickey's

Last weekend we did a little party for a bunch of families in the area.  It was a really fun time and all the kids were great!  No fighting, no crying, and no one being mean.  It was wonderful!  Aaron Jacobus brought some tie-dye stuff and I tried my hand at making Mickey Mouse tie-dye shirts.  I think for my first time they turned out ok...Lydia's ears are a bit off and the whole head is a tad crooked but I still like them.  


Princesses and mud!

Thanks to Hurricane Ike we've gotten some rain this weekend so we've been mostly cooped up inside.  Felicity was very excited to see Grandma Crowe on Saturday, especially when Grandma played dress up with her.  As she was getting ready to leave Felicity said "I'm coming to your house Grandma, I have my bag all packed."  Sure enough, Felicity wanted to go to Grandma's.  So off she went for an overnight.  She did wake up weepy the next morning for her daddy so she came home earlier then expected but we think she had a good time.

Belly Dancing...

After Felicity left we let Lydia outside in just a shirt and her diaper to play in the mud and puddles.  Yes, we are "those" parents who let our kid outside in just a diaper.  Funny, I always said I'd never do that when I became a parent.

Eenie meanie minie mo

I'm off to school mom!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just for Emily

Apparently once school starts we don't have much to blog about...Emily complained that I've only posted five new pics in one week!  Jeez!

I'm embarrassed to say we haven't really even taken any new pics in a whole week.  But I did think this one was cute from last week so I'll share it.  

Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm sad to say that with summer coming to an end there probably won't be many more days like these.

And who knew that popsicles could spark a romance!!