Sunday, September 14, 2008

Princesses and mud!

Thanks to Hurricane Ike we've gotten some rain this weekend so we've been mostly cooped up inside.  Felicity was very excited to see Grandma Crowe on Saturday, especially when Grandma played dress up with her.  As she was getting ready to leave Felicity said "I'm coming to your house Grandma, I have my bag all packed."  Sure enough, Felicity wanted to go to Grandma's.  So off she went for an overnight.  She did wake up weepy the next morning for her daddy so she came home earlier then expected but we think she had a good time.

Belly Dancing...

After Felicity left we let Lydia outside in just a shirt and her diaper to play in the mud and puddles.  Yes, we are "those" parents who let our kid outside in just a diaper.  Funny, I always said I'd never do that when I became a parent.

Eenie meanie minie mo

I'm off to school mom!


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