Graham William Crowe arrived on Wednesday, November 11th at 2:11 pm. He weighed 7 lbs, 3 ozs and was 20 inches long. Megan had a scheduled induction and labor started at 10:30am, at 1:50pm she started pushing and baby came 21 minutes later! Isaiah and Dr. Schad are always good for a few laughs and helped Baby Graham arrive in this world by counting in German and Spanish while Megan was pushing. They joke that Megan has such easy pregnancies, labors, and deliveries that she should put "Professional child birther" on her resume.
So far Graham is an amazing baby! He's only woken up twice in the last four nights (pretty much at the same times), is very very calm unless he's getting his diaper changed, eats like a horse, is a great burper, and just likes to go with the flow. We're hoping it continues!
The girls think he's the best thing since sliced bread, they just dote on him all day. Felicity can be heard saying "Baby Graham is so cute" or "I love my baby brother" every few minutes and Lydia just wants to kiss him and hug him (with that Lydia roughness). Looks-wise he is taking after Lydia so far, should be interesting to see if that changes.
congrats on your little guy! I hope everything is going well!
Congrats! He is ADORABLE!!!!
Congrats again! Hes just gorgeous!
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